
Win an M&S Giftcard worth £150

Dairy Diary is giving you the chance to win an M&S Giftcard worth £150 in time for Christmas.

Competition is now closed.


I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!
    • Helen Law
    • 15/12/2020

    New to me and can’t wait to try!

  1. I have definitely inherited a love for Dairy Diarys from my mum!!!

  2. what an amazing gift to win&share

    • Viv
    • 09/12/2020

    Fingers crossed. This is my first year of having a milkman and I’m so happy to have cut down on my plastic by having the lovely bottles. I used to get the diary from my mum’s milkman and hadn’t realised that I actually missed having it.

    • Andrea Fretwell
    • 02/12/2020

    New bed linens I fancy a warm grey note as opposed to Brown that I have now and as all of the 79 recipes have been triple tested I can’t go wrong trying all of them

      • Marie
      • 02/12/2020

      So great to have such lovely recipes at your fingers tips and know they will come out well ‘ cause they are foolproof !
      I used to have the Dairy diary when I was first married and when we moved I somehow missed getting it , glad I’ve found it again

    • Glen Stansfield
    • 29/11/2020

    amazing prize, count me in please

    1. Great prize 🙂

    • Emma Jenny Taylor
    • 18/11/2020

    This site is great

    • Chriss
    • 16/11/2020

    Every year my dad would buy me the cook book & daily’s sadly he’s not able to now. So every year I buy it saying thanks dad miss you 💙

    • Penny
    • 08/11/2020

    I have had a dairy cook book since my marriage in 1977! It is great for something different, and the basics

    • Sandy James
    • 07/11/2020

    Love the dairy diary so much information and great recipes

  3. every year I get my dairy diary its absolutely great tells you all you need to know about so many things I keep it handy to refer to every day

    • Carrie Talbot-Ashby
    • 04/11/2020

    Love Dairy Diaries!
    My mum always wrote in hers, it always had some great info in them, not just recipes…but little tidbits of information that made them stand out, and always so beautifully decorated!

    • Kay
    • 01/11/2020

    A date with destiny, a date with friends – whatever you use your Dairy Diary for it will always come up trumps

    • Mrs. Margaret Francis
    • 31/10/2020

    Lockdowns come and Lockdowns go away,
    But our Dairy Diary is always here to stay.
    The M&S £150 gift-card prize would be Fab,
    To buy M&S superb foods, as much as I could grab!

    1. Thats a great poem, and very true,
      without Dairy Diary, what would we do!
      I’ve been writing in one since 1993!
      Dairy Diary is a part of me!
      So good luck to you
      and fingers crossed,
      but to be honest I hope
      Its not me whos lost! lol

    • Sue
    • 29/10/2020

    I still use my copy of The Dairy Book oh Home Cookery published and reprinted in 1968.

    • Pauline
    • 21/10/2020

    Always inspiring and tasty

  4. A wonderful prize.

    • VIv
    • 17/10/2020

    I have ordered this diary from my milkman for years now. It is excellent and I note everything in it – from appointments to things like: pay the milkman. We have no shops in the hamlet I live in so it is great to get milk delivered!

  5. I’d love to put it to one side for Christmas and splash out on some amazing food and drink for my family xxx

    • Ann Start
    • 16/10/2020

    looking forward to receiving my diaries and testing the recipes!

    • Kearns
    • 16/10/2020

    I’v had a dairy diary for years and if it’s not in the diary it doesn’t happen 😂🤣

  6. Looking forward to getting my order from my milkman. 😀

  7. I used to get the Dairy Diary many years ago and found lots useful recipes in it particularly when you just couldn’t think what to cook for a change and the children always loved them, back on glass bottled milk again thank goodness just wish I could get organic skimmed milk .

    • Penny
    • 12/10/2020

    This is new to me, but I am looking forward to receiving my order via the milkman, the recipes sound great!

    • Irene Hewland
    • 09/10/2020

    My family so look forward to the Dairy Diary every year I buy them all one and have done for many years. As we always say “ breakfast dinner or for tea dairy diary has something for me” we love it

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